Mongolia – 2 July 2015

We are heading out of the city and into the country today.  There was a little bit of confusion this morning with the baggage.  Apparently there isn’t room to take everything with us, so we had to reconsolidate into a daypack and a small bag – which I didn’t bring.  Thankfully my roomie Susan came to the rescue.  Her camera died today, so I’m her photographer in exchange for the help.  We drove for about 5 hours to get to Kharakhorum, the ancient seat of power for Chinggis Khan.  On the way we met a nomad family that raises camels.  They let us ride and offered us camel milk.  I’ve never had raw milk before, let alone camel!  It wasn’t bad.  A little sour, but milking only started 10 days ago and it is always sour this early, or so they tell me.

Kharakhorum is interesting.  Nothing remains of the old city, but a monastery was built on the site in the 1600s.  Much was destroyed under communist rule, but the local people were able to hide some of the artifacts and preserve them.  They gave them back after communism fell.

In other news, we saw some traditional singers and musicians, one of whom was really hot… cue inappropriate giggling.  I also got to hold a golden eagle!  I stayed up until midnight talking with Peter, who is a full professor in Halifax and used the opportunity to figure out some night photography settings before we get out into the wilderness.